کدهای Call Of Duty 2

اینم کد تقلب و چیت کد برای بازی

  امیدوارم یکم انگلیسی بلد باشید؟؟!!

Call of Duty 2




Submitted by: Haspa


to activate cheat codes, go to OPTIONGAME OPTION and ENABLE CONSOLE,

click YES.

In menu title press: ~ and type:

developer 1 = enable cheat codes, LOAD button appears, click it and

select the level Once the level is loaded type ~ again and type "devmap"

and you can use the following codes:


Result      Code


god       - God Mode

give ammo - All Ammo

give all  - All weapons, full ammo, health and armor

noclip    - Walk through solid s

notarget  - Invisibility to most enemies

kill      - suicide





Submitted by: NixPox


Write these paramiters on command line:"Program Files\Activision\

Call of Duty 2\CoD2SP_s.exe" +set developer 1 +set thereisacow 1337

+set developer 2 +set_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0 +set devmap


Start the game and all cheats are ON after type §(in Finland) (~elsewhere)




Cheatmode Demo version:


Submitted by: Haspa


Enable the console from the game"s in-game options.

Hit the tilde key (next to the numeric 1 key on the number row)

to drop the dev-console.

Input seta thereisacow "1337" and then press [ENTER].

Input spdevmap eldaba. and then press [ENTER].

This will start the demo with cheats enabled.

When playing, drop down the dev-console and enter the following

codes and hit [ENTER] to activate or toggle them.


Code        Result


god       - God Mode

give all  - Get Two Random Weapons

give ammo - Give Ammo

noclip    - No Clipping Mode

notarget  - Toggle Enemy AI